Tagged: tableau


Creating a Donut chart in Tableau

Use-case Steps for recreating the Donut chart example shared in Tableau community site. http://community.tableausoftware.com/docs/DOC-5511 A donut chart representing the percentage of top customers by profit across product categories Steps 1. Create a new Tableau...


Sorting in Tableau

Basic sort Right click on the discrete1 field in the rows or columns shelf 1 Sort can be performed only on discrete fields or measures which is converted to discrete The discrete field can...


Tableau fixed axis length

My use case: The underlying data is percentage turnover for different regions. The maximum value was around 21. Tableau default axis length settings is automatic. It created a chart with a range of 0...


Tableau filter excluding All

The default filter will start from “All” Change the custom filter settings Filter excluding “All” My Use-Case: When a data-set consist of data across multiple years or multiple categorical separation. The visualization is expected...