Tagged: tableau


Useful links (Tableau thought process)

http://www.tableau.com/learn/training?qt-training_tabs=1#qt-training_tabs (Some fundamental videos) http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/online/windows/en-us/help.htm (Tableau’s complete reference) http://community.tableau.com/welcome (the community is the best way to understand how other Tableau developers are using the application; interesting work-around) http://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/api/js_api/en-us/help.htm#JavaScriptAPI/js_api.htm (Definitely a feature to consider when...


Context Filter in Tableau

This link provides an article on sing “Add to Context” filter type in Tableau. Creating Filters Filters that you create in Tableau are calculated independently by design. This means that each filter accesses all...


Excel sheet in sharepoint as tableau data source

The URL for the Excel workbook is http://subdomain.usa42.net/sites/electronic software/Tableau List/sample-data.xls and now in Tableau Desktop it becomes \\subdomain.usa42.net\DavWWWRoot\sites\electronic software\Tableau List\sample-data.xls and in enterprise with Single Sign On it must be \\subdomain.usa42.net@SSL\DavWWWRoot\sites\electronic software\Tableau List\sample-data.xls


QlikView vs. Tableau

An interesting article from 2014 comparing Qlikview and Tableau. Working closely with Tableau have seen it fixing user experience issues at a very quick rate.    


Waterfall chart in Tableau

A typical waterfall chart is used to show how an initial value is increased and decreased by a series of intermediate values, leading to a final value.